Abomin Pro
Bio, Zero residual, Conventional

Nutrizione naturale completa a base di Abomin (+ di 80 elementi) e farine di carne idrolizzate (sostanza organica). Ricco di aminoacidi e proteine; apporto di azoto e fosforo organico a cessione graduale.
Suitable for: drupacee, ortaggi, serre a ciclo corto, uva da tavola precoce
ABOMIN PRO is an organic NP fertilizer based on hydrolyzed and abomin meat flours, with specific characteristics. Thanks, in fact, to the integration of the two components, ABOMIN PRO provides a pool of meso and microelements available for the plant. The combined presence of amino acids and proteins of animal origin, favors the availability of the elements contained in abomin that otherwise would remain insoluble in the soil. ABOMIN PRO is particularly indicated in the fertilization of horticultural crops both in greenhouses and in full field, ornamental plants, fruit crops and vineyards. ABOMIN PRO promotes the maintenance of soil fertility and guarantees an important supply of amino acids and growth factors on the ground.
- 25 kg bag on 1.625 kg pallets - BIG BAGS 500 kg - LOAD
- It supplies organic nitrogen and phosphorus with gradual release
- Contains macro and microelements in an assimilable form from plants
- Ideal for all terrains
- Rich in amino acids and proteins